Seam Repair

Is your carpet coming apart unexpectedly? Are you confused to why this is happening? If you are looking for answers, you’ve come to the right place!

The reason why your carpet is coming apart in the middle of your room is because your wall to wall carpet is actually made up of multiple pieces of carpet glued together at the seams.

From time to time, these glued seams will come apart. This is normally due to wear and tear or negligence.

It doesn’t matter how your carpet seam was damaged, all that you need to know is that you can rely LA Carpet Repair & Cleaning to repair your carpet seams for you!

Our dedicated team of carpet repair professionals with years of experience will ensure that your carpet seams are repaired properly the first time.

We love what we do and we are glad that we can use our passion for carpet repair to make your life easier!

Our seam repair service will guarantee that your carpet seams will stay bonded together for years to come!

Give us a call today at (562) 247-0057 for a free estimate!